Kalle Polen

  • Primary services

    Kalle Poland offers the following primary services:

    • Shirring
    • UV printing
    • Cutting casings into sections (on special order)
    • Technological consulting

    Converting services

    In addition Kalle Poland adduce so-called converting services:

    • at the basic level in Poland
    • at an advanced level in two converting centers at Kalle Wiesbaden and Kalle Czech

    Kalle Poland was established in 1998.

  • Kalle Nalo Polska SP Z.O.O

    ul. Rąbieńska 36/38 ,  94-244 Łódź

    +48 (042) 640-71-50
    F  +48 (042) 640-76-59


Registered in the District Court for Łódź - Śródmieście in Łódź | XX Department of the National Court Register KRS, number : 0000177989 | Share capital : PLN 900,000.00 | NIP ( tax identification number) : 727-23-59-428,  REGON (  statistical number) : 471996865